Home Neural Network EII PCB Defect Detection Construct failare

EII PCB Defect Detection Construct failare

EII PCB Defect Detection Construct failare




sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /house/smartedge-open/ -m -G sudo smartedge-open
sudo passwd smartedge-open
echo “smartedge-open ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL” | sudo tee /and so on/sudoers.d/smartedge-open
sudo apt set up unzip
unzip Smart_Edge_Open_Developer_Experience_Kits.zip
cd Smart_Edge_Open_Developer_Experience_Kits
chmod 755 edgesoftware
./edgesoftware set up
that can cling。run ./edgesoftware set up,when request coming into IP : to SYNNEX-NUC02XH  however we coming into it after 4 hrs nonetheless no any response . 1.png
