Home Neural Network Debugger drawback after switching from IFORT to IFX

Debugger drawback after switching from IFORT to IFX

Debugger drawback after switching from IFORT to IFX


I’m making an attempt to change from IFORT to IFX. Compilation works effective for my utility, nonetheless, I encountered an issue in debugger. I narrowed the issue to following code:

      embody 'frequent.inc'
      integer*4, allocatable :: c(:,:,:)
      nx = 100
      ny = 75
      nz = 50
      allocate ( c(nx,ny,nz) )
      name callTest ( c )
      deallocate ( c )
      name exit ( 0 )
      subroutine callTest ( c )
      embody 'frequent.inc'
      integer(4), dimension(nx,ny,nz) :: c
      integer(4) :: components
      components = dimension(c)
      finish subroutine callTest

The file ‘frequent.inc’ accommodates following:

        integer(4) :: nx, ny, nz
        COMMON /FrequentlyUsedCommon/ nx, ny, nz

If I run debugger and add the array c to Watch, I can see it has right dimension earlier than the decision to subroutine callTest:


Nevertheless, entering into the known as subroutine causes array dimensions in Watches to vary:


The variety of components obtained utilizing the perform dimension is nonetheless right.

Compiler choices are: /nologo /debug:full /MP /Od /fastened /extend-source:132 /Qopenmp /fpscomp:common /Qdiag-disable:5462,8291,10448 /warn:declarations /warn:unused /warn:truncated_source /warn:noalignments /warn:uncalled /warn:form /warn:interfaces /assume:byterecl /fpe:0 /module:”x64Debug” /object:”x64Debug” /Fd”x64Debugvc170.pdb” /traceback /test:pointer /test:bounds /test:uninit /test:format /test:output_conversion /test:stack /libs:dll /threads /dbglibs /Qmkl:parallel /c


Linker choices are: /OUT:”x64DebugTest.exe” /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:”x64DebugTest.exe.intermediate.manifest” /MANIFESTUAC:”stage=”asInvoker” uiAccess=”false”” /DEBUG /PDB:”D:…Take a look at.pdb” /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /STACK:1000000000

