Home Neural Network can not launch questa intel starter fpga with quartus prime 23.1

can not launch questa intel starter fpga with quartus prime 23.1

can not launch questa intel starter fpga with quartus prime 23.1


OS: fedora 39

When I attempt to run “RTL Simulation” inside Quartus, an error happens:


And the log says:


It seems that the road of the code that went mistaken correpondes to line 725 in modelsim.tcl which locates in <install_path>/23.1std/quartus/frequent/tcl/inner/nativelink.

This line of code is inside an if-catch assertion:


So, it implies that the command “$vsim_cmd -version” shouldn’t be exit with 0.

Truly, the command is executed efficiently, and the returned string is saved in “version_str”. I add a line of code under “if …” to print out the worth of “version_str”, and the worth is:

Questa Intel Starter FPGA Version-64 vsim 2023.3 Simulator 2023.07 Jul 17 2023“.

Then I attempted identical process in Ubuntu, questa might be efficiently launched. It is as a result of the “if-catch” examination in modelsim is handed, so the “else” department is executed.

Then I return to fedora, remark out the “if-catch” assertion begin from line of 712 in modelsim.tcl.


At the moment, questa might be efficiently lauched too.

What could trigger the diffenrence within the outcomes of the “if-catch” assertion in Ubuntu and Fedora?
