Home Neural Network ATX PLL error in FIT stage

ATX PLL error in FIT stage

ATX PLL error in FIT stage


 L-Tile/H-Tile Transcever ATX PLL Intel Sttratix 10 FPGA IP utilized by PLL. The configured parameters are as proven within the determine under:


However in the course of the FIT stage there shall be an error as proven under:



 My PHY is utilizing L-Tile/H-Tile Transcever Native PHY Intel Stratix 10FPGA IP,set the VCCR_GXB and VCCT_GXB  provide voltage for the transceiver to 1_0V, choose GXT for transceiver channel sort ,choose Fundamental(Enhanced PCS) for Transceiver configuration guidelines, and set Information fee to 16000M. Use the default parameters for the remainder of the settings. 
