Earlier (and presumed lifeless) discussions:
Been making an attempt to drive alerts out the QSFP-DD cages on my Agilex 027 SoC evm. Quartus is complaining in regards to the pin assignments after I configure a quad of outputs (one occasion, 4 lanes) in Platform Designer. The pins in query, from the SoC evm schematic:
I turned on all 16 FGT transceivers in an F-Tile to see the place the compiler needed to position them. This is the breakdown of mappings from core alerts to I/O pins:
All 16 FGT transceivers assigned. Pins chosen by Quartus (no constraints in .qsf)
qsfpdd0_tx0 Output PIN_AD7 Quad3[0]
qsfpdd0_tx1 Output PIN_AG10 Quad3[1]
qsfpdd0_tx2 Output PIN_AH7 Quad3[2]
qsfpdd0_tx3 Output PIN_AM7 Quad3[3]
hssi4p Output PIN_AC10 Quad2[3]
hssi5p Output PIN_Y7 Quad2[2]
hssi6p Output PIN_W10 Quad2[1]
hssi7p Output PIN_T7 Quad2[0]
hssi8p Output PIN_R10 Quad1[3]
hssi9p Output PIN_M7 Quad1[2]
hssi10p Output PIN_L10 Quad1[1]
hssi11p Output PIN_G10 Quad1[0]
hssi12p Output PIN_H13 Quad0[3]
hssi13p Output PIN_D13 Quad0[2]
hssi14p Output PIN_G16 Quad0[1]
hssi15p Output PIN_C16 Quad0[0]
Observe that bits out[3:0] map to Quad3[3:0] however
out[7:4] map to Quad2[0:3] - bus twist
out[11:8] map to Quad1[0:3] - bus twist
out[15:12] map to Quad0[0:3] - bus twist
Seems there’s bus twist on the Tile stage, then once more on the Quad stage. So, “bus twist”? Wazzat?
Usually, it is a head-butting of big-endian and little-endian views. Easy verilog instance that assigns one 8-bit bus to a different:
Abus[7:0] <= Bbus[0:7];
No massive deal, proper? The values of Bbus acquired assigned to Abus. What’s actually taking place:
Abus[7] <= Bbus[0];
Abus[6] <= Bbus[1];
Abus[5] <= Bbus[2];
Abus[4] <= Bbus[3];
Abus[3] <= Bbus[4];
Abus[2] <= Bbus[5];
Abus[1] <= Bbus[6];
Abus[0] <= Bbus[7];
I am working Quartus Professional 23.3, however this was noticed in 23.1 and 22.3. If I attempt to map my output qsfp_dd[0] to pin T7 (which is FGTR13C_TX_Q2_CH0p) I’ll get an error saying there is no useful resource obtainable or that the sign have to be mapped to a unique set of internally-named pins with a [3] suffix. If I twist my bus outputs such that out[3] is mapped to FGT_CH0p, it connects simply positive. Notably, I did NOT have this subject with an Agilex AGF014 eval board that I used to be utilizing beforehand. That one used E-Tiles, so this is likely to be particular to the F-Tile implementation.
This kind of downside is frequent for bussed alerts (vectors) that cross a hierarchy boundary and the top-level and bottom-level declarations have reverse endian-ness.
I am simply going to patch round this subject with a macro-reassignment at my top-level that spackles-over the twist. Can be good is Altera may repair the supply subject in Quartus.