I requested DALL-E3 (by way of chatgpt) for “a easy Christmas nativity scene with every ingredient clearly labeled in giant capital letters for a kid who’s studying to learn.”

It's a sepia-toned cute-style drawing that looks at first glance like a nativity scene, except there are 5 stars and 3 barns. There is also a Trojan horse labeled Mary, a pine tree labeled Staibler, some kind of horse with shopping labeled Josy, and a shepherd with more shopping labeled Joeseph. On the shelves of the main stable there are sheep and presents and candles, and the Joseph and Mary in the stable are also carrying shepherd's crooks for good measure. Oddly the figures labeled Shepher are not carrying shepherd's crooks but wands with stars on the end. Some presents are labeled Jeboe, a horse is labeled Gifts, and a tiny sheep is labeled Sap. Another shepherd and sheep are labeled Hupp. There is a sheep with a horse's mane (unlabeled). The two auxilliary stables are labeled Mogheh and Stap.
“Please generate a easy Christmas nativity scene with every ingredient clearly labeled in giant capital letters for a kid who’s studying to learn.”

I am positive you’ll find this very useful.

okay another

Simple cartoon-style black and white drawings that at first glance are obviously a nativity scene. There is a baby in the stable (labeled Baby) and the stable is labled Stable, Gabe, and Mary. A horse is labeled Heeep, and a long-legged big is labeled Shopherd. A black horse with a tiny tail is labeled Shepherd. A bearded figure next to a very tiny horse is labeled Mise. Two more bearded figures are Shephep. A sheep wearing a small spotted hat is labeled Star.
“Please generate a easy Christmas nativity scene with every ingredient clearly labeled in giant capital letters for a kid who’s studying to learn.”

there was an try!

bonus content material: two extra of those dang nativity scenes, i can not cease laughing at them