Home Neural Network VS Editor “Auto Checklist Members”

VS Editor “Auto Checklist Members”

VS Editor “Auto Checklist Members”



Within the newest Fortran (In VS2022)  the Auto record Members characteristic has come to my consideration as a result of it has been irritating me. I have no idea if it’s a new characteristic, a modified characteristic or a options the place the default has gone from unticked to ticked, perhaps somebody might make clear?  

I can see it’s a helpful  characteristic however what’s irritating is that when autocompleting absolutely it ought to respect the case the consumer is utilizing i.e. if I’m typing in lowercase it autocompletes in UPPERCASE irrespective! I’m certain some individuals love their uppercase FORTRAN  however I believe many don’t, it’s now not 1977. The answer is to untick it nonetheless a **characteristic request** is that’s that it respects the case of the consumer typing that invokes it. Or perhaps another setting does that already??
