Home Machine Learning 50+ completely different random quantity generator in python

50+ completely different random quantity generator in python

50+ completely different random quantity generator in python


Random Quantity generator in python play an vital a part of machine studying as they’re used for hyperparameter optimization, adjusting weights in deep studying amongst different crucial processes.

On this tutorial, you’ll discover ways to work with random quantity generator in python. After finishing tutorial, you’ll perceive:

  • Random Numbers will be generated through pseudorandom quantity turbines.
  • Tips on how to use random quantity generator in Python through the use of Random Library
  • Tips on how to generate random numbers, arrays utilizing Numpy Library in Python
random number
Random Quantity Generator in Python

Put up Overview

This put up is split into three elements;

  1. Generate Random Numbers in Python utilizing Numpy.
  2. Generate Random Numbers utilizing Random Bundle.
  3. Pseudorandom Quantity Turbines
Additionally see: 150+ numpy workout routines

Random Quantity Generator in Python utilizing Numpy

Random quantity technology by beta distribution

Syntax = np.random.beta(a,b,dimension=None)

Parameters: a = Alpha, b = Beta, dimension = output form


array([9.94314587e-01, 5.68371107e-09, 1.79747999e-15, 9.99999975e-01,
       9.54623306e-01, 1.98234546e-11, 9.99241742e-01, 7.63562485e-01,
       6.35681507e-19, 6.06761883e-01])

Do notice , your outcomes could also be completely different than mine.

Random quantity technology by binomial distribution

Syntax = np.random.binomial(n,p, dimension=None)

Parameters: n = trails, p = chance of success, dimension=output form


array([[ 2,  5,  4,  6,  3,  8,  5,  6,  6,  6],
       [ 4,  4,  6,  2,  6,  5,  7,  7,  5,  5],
       [ 4,  5,  9,  5,  6,  8,  5,  6,  5,  9],
       [ 6,  6,  3, 10,  6,  4,  4,  5,  4,  2],
       [ 4,  4,  4,  8,  5,  6,  6,  9,  8,  4],
       [ 5,  6,  7,  5,  4,  8,  6,  6,  8,  8],
       [ 5,  4,  5,  4,  4,  8,  6,  4,  6,  5],
       [ 8,  6,  7,  3,  6,  8,  6,  6,  3,  8],
       [ 5,  6,  5,  2,  0,  4,  8,  6,  3,  6],
       [ 6,  6,  5,  4,  5,  4,  6,  4,  1,  4]])

Random quantity technology by chi-square distribution

Syntax = np.random.chisquare(df,dimension=None)

df = diploma of freedom, dimension = output form


array([2.05688127, 6.54292888, 7.58444005, 1.41428405, 3.45510839])

Random pattern technology from one dimensional array

Syntax: np.random.alternative(a, dimension=None, exchange=True, p=None)

a = 1-D array-like or integer, dimension = output form, exchange = whether or not the pattern is with or with out substitute, p = 1-D array-like, mainly possibilities related to every entry in an array.


array([40, 25, 19, 11, 70, 59, 96, 60, 46, 31])

Random quantity utilizing Dirichlet distribution

Syntax = np.random.Dirichlet(alpha,dimension=None)

alpha = sequence of floats, size okay. Parameter of the distribution, dimension = int or tuple of ints


array([[0.34873703, 0.50649201, 0.14477096],
       [0.72302467, 0.14258505, 0.13439028],
       [0.44593801, 0.30128097, 0.25278102],
       [0.57669678, 0.248177  , 0.17512622],
       [0.65722768, 0.20791437, 0.13485795],
       [0.43125162, 0.37553697, 0.19321141],
       [0.67220118, 0.21503276, 0.11276607],
       [0.61123727, 0.34694966, 0.04181308],
       [0.4672246 , 0.39182022, 0.14095518],
       [0.65058532, 0.11795275, 0.23146192],
       [0.46989623, 0.16861265, 0.36149112],
       [0.49329803, 0.22965147, 0.2770505 ],
       [0.5461502 , 0.42545401, 0.0283958 ],
       [0.48258243, 0.3543089 , 0.16310866],
       [0.78807636, 0.19216025, 0.0197634 ],
       [0.62870249, 0.15082051, 0.220477  ],
       [0.70125648, 0.20164131, 0.09710221],
       [0.40743831, 0.47110081, 0.12146088],
       [0.66258158, 0.15799089, 0.17942753],
       [0.604992  , 0.17898203, 0.21602597]])

Random quantity utilizing exponential distribution

Exponential distribution is analogue for geometric distribution.

Syntax = np.random.exponential(scale=1.0, dimension=None)

scale = scale parameter in exponential distribution, dimension = output

array([1.53901421, 0.00407843, 0.69034784, 0.00645229, 1.30770943,
       0.91196285, 0.05627425, 2.18012337, 0.36227942, 0.95762165,
       0.2021032 , 0.55372096])

Random quantity utilizing F Distribution

Syntax = np.random.f(dfnum,dfden, dimension=None)

dfnum = levels of freedom in numerator, dfden = levels of freedom in denominator, dimension = output


array([2.18329291e-01, 1.84782440e-01, 2.12774696e+00, 1.12441410e+00,
       1.02170150e+01, 3.37106611e+00, 1.96755659e+00, 1.48220477e+00,
       8.35775191e-02, 2.46688530e+00, 3.46894287e-03, 2.59068289e+00,
       5.72647606e+00, 1.64655192e+00, 3.06830474e-01, 4.69981283e+00,
       6.30859840e-01, 5.81015303e-02, 8.32573191e-01, 1.77738874e+00])

Random quantity utilizing Gamma Distribution

Syntax = np.random.gamma(form,scale,dimension=None)

form = form of gamma distribution, scale = scale of gamma distribution, dimension = output


array([ 5.61038971,  1.87980268,  9.21168406,  0.50211389,  4.49239046,
        5.6462828 ,  2.28510082,  8.19927171,  2.10974037,  1.45227633,
        3.51156658, 10.46277709,  6.48737276,  3.27999168,  2.65340486,
        3.84875306,  4.58072407,  9.04503479,  1.75144226,  1.29185233,
        4.23500524,  4.32123491,  4.92737636, 11.07087922,  1.04983773,
        2.44339292,  4.19218176,  1.23159451,  0.24998529,  4.91658168,
        0.39130511,  0.67353383,  4.18557953,  2.77099429,  2.149184  ,
        2.6077436 ,  2.52338003,  3.16772454,  2.604044  ,  4.71774262,
        0.73402083, 12.27478498, 11.29216053,  1.00798758,  4.92412465,
        1.72588742,  0.29275699,  7.00638201,  3.26722238,  3.73876405])

Random quantity utilizing Geometric Distribution

Syntax = np.random.geometric(p, dimension=None)

p = chance of success of a person trial, dimension = output form


array([3, 5, 1, 4, 8, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 6, 2, 2, 2, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 3, 5,
       1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3])
Additionally see: 200+ actual world pandas workout routines

Random quantity utilizing Gumbel Distribution

Syntax = np.random.gumbel(loc,scale,dimension)

loc = location of mode of the distribution, mainly imply of the distribution.

scale = normal deviation of the distribution

dimension = output form


array([-0.01264886, -0.05457963,  0.0843898 ,  0.34074068, -0.05307558,
        0.06433582, -0.1695451 , -0.14645811,  0.03898178, -0.01987542,
       -0.02199712,  0.0749251 ,  0.00687004,  0.09004047,  0.07847825,
        0.02574964,  0.10624917,  0.12839777,  0.4262985 ,  0.21630223,
        0.01533838,  0.03597615,  0.0430698 , -0.00131731,  0.18342396,
       -0.08420078,  0.17409966, -0.10005398, -0.07458114,  0.41475724,
       -0.11825275, -0.00439019,  0.12797528,  0.03809518,  0.159117  ,
        0.011672  ,  0.10622612,  0.20746262,  0.25685402,  0.250753  ,
        0.14206501,  0.05581919,  0.12087748, -0.03383174, -0.05765386,
       -0.1449144 ,  0.04086692,  0.00497343,  0.02631417,  0.26269266,
        0.10156757,  0.00856622,  0.02453613, -0.12249999,  0.25628409,
       -0.06335413,  0.2013471 , -0.06902403, -0.10629768,  0.15199275,
        0.02905192, -0.17865511,  0.13934902, -0.06385898, -0.01145044,
       -0.00251036, -0.00137692,  0.15426812, -0.05366544,  0.05318059,
        0.04929693,  0.07410114,  0.0062325 , -0.0295167 ,  0.05508052,
       -0.11973995,  0.03925551, -0.04006653,  0.06931817, -0.06792028,
       -0.08478426,  0.19539809, -0.09626313,  0.10161051,  0.02861612,
       -0.05672591, -0.14016175, -0.00245946, -0.02707631,  0.03400508,
        0.0614723 , -0.09563116, -0.09278934,  0.28280103,  0.14329151,
       -0.06892652,  0.00647555,  0.009062  ,  0.18278711,  0.09949122])

Random quantity utilizing Hyper geometric Distribution

Syntax = np.random.hypergeometric(ngood,nbad,nsample,dimension)

ngood = variety of methods to make a wide variety

nbad = variety of methods to make a foul choice

nsample = variety of gadgets sampled, must be much less or equal to ngood + nbad

dimension = output


array([[3, 2, 2, 2, 1],
       [3, 3, 2, 2, 1],
       [3, 2, 2, 3, 2],
       [3, 2, 2, 3, 3],
       [3, 2, 2, 3, 3]])

Random quantity utilizing Laplace Distribution or Double exponential distribution

Syntax = np.random.laplace(loc,scale,dimension)

loc is imply, scale is decay in laplace distribution and dimension is output worth.


array([[1.42807587, 1.5050976 , 1.32796969, 1.62732846, 1.31400319],
       [1.48745584, 1.35276272, 1.46199887, 1.46549853, 1.50698112],
       [1.42328241, 1.52520198, 1.5255751 , 1.32440192, 1.67327936],
       [1.32773624, 1.27923195, 1.48312881, 1.54445111, 1.48701751],
       [1.55136745, 1.35780056, 1.65747601, 1.51136827, 1.51172481]])

Random quantity utilizing Logistic Distribution

Syntax = np.random.logistic(loc,scale,dimension)

loc is imply or median, scale is parameter of distribution, dimension is output dimension

np.random.logistic(1.5, 0.5, (5,5))

array([[ 1.51274115,  1.65056189,  2.60330958,  1.60680488,  0.3395394 ],[2.59911917,  1.83946185,  0.09725901,  1.87756181,  1.13284328],
[ 1.27374343,  0.05684854, -0.02349736,  0.73730424,  2.34477406],
[ 2.13677914,  4.85197751,  1.78438609,  0.80146105,  2.33742768],
[ 1.23292342,  1.5878066 ,  0.8046354 ,  2.02853881,  3.89350446]])
Additionally see : Tips on how to carry out logistic regression?

Random quantity utilizing Log-normal distribution

Syntax = np.random.lognormal(imply,sigma,dimension)

imply is imply of distribution, sigma is normal deviation and dimension is output dimension.


array([[1.40715174e+00, 4.36289629e+02, 5.39792968e-01, 1.76535312e+01],
       [5.00840364e+00, 9.83178228e+01, 1.19607261e+02, 1.78129138e+00],
       [2.68650071e+03, 1.13816121e-02, 1.65388345e+02, 2.96574858e+02],
       [2.07001722e+00, 9.70251596e+01, 4.27142923e+00,1.47442389e+03]])

Random quantity utilizing logarithmic sequence distribution

Syntax = np.random.logseries(p,dimension)

p = form of parameter and dimension is the output dimension


array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1])

Random quantity utilizing multinomial distribution

Syntax = np.random.multinomial(n,pvals,dimension)

n = Variety of experiments, pvals = possibilities of every of the p completely different outcomes, dimension = output


array([32, 68])

Complete possibilities ought to equate to 1.

Random Quantity utilizing multivariate regular distribution

Syntax = np.random.multivariate_normal(imply, cov, dimension=None, check_valid=’warn’, tol=1e-8)

Imply is common of the distribution, cov is 2-D array of covariance matrix, dimension is output variable.

imply = [0,0]
cov = [[1,0],[0,100]]

array([[  1.0583769 ,  -6.73763092],
       [  0.22438227,  -0.82776199],
       [  0.09768098,  15.24671877],
       [ -0.24181648, -11.48089529],
       [  0.35477317,  17.89635344],
       [ -0.904405  ,  -7.97900411],
       [ -0.36658878,   2.84571603],
       [  0.07927533,  -4.38038809],
       [  0.38364186,  -9.20044877],
       [  0.85900062,  -1.60333465],
       [  0.23407273,   0.54900275],
       [  0.14430106,   5.88275667],
       [  0.80327105,  -6.42434813],
       [ -1.97672621,   6.06341989],
       [ -0.03283161,  -5.08108659],
       [  0.38615864,  -3.54352388],
       [ -0.24381702,  -2.24203499],
       [ -0.8630832 ,  -5.84384577],
       [ -1.50429457,  10.00024101],
       [  0.85881912,  -7.85933608],
       [ -1.69144074,  -0.18711476],
       [  0.14614225,  -0.12395603],
       [  0.29826931,  11.82998333],
       [ -0.26094534,   1.65119128],
       [ -0.96138003,  -9.9508009 ]])

Random Quantity from Destructive Binomial Distribution

Syntax : np.random.negative_binomial(n,p,dimension=None)

n = successes and p = chance of success the place n > 0 , dimension = output

array([12, 11, 15, 13,  5, 20, 18, 16, 10, 10, 15, 18,  9, 14, 15, 11, 12,20,  7, 12])

Random Quantity from non central chi-square distribution

Syntax = np.random.noncentral_chisquare(df, nonc,dimension)

df is diploma of freedom, nonc = Non-centrality, dimension = output dimension


array([ 3.2502257 ,  3.89533858,  0.69266479,  3.58683562,  6.11163544,
        7.62056822,  6.98963657,  9.28862215,  0.46781792,  6.10301397,
        2.01091728,  3.64487203, 10.04375102,  0.44140926,  7.75791933,
        7.40398072,  1.49594865,  1.6596545 ,  5.65977098,  2.60366886])

Random Quantity from non central f distribution

Syntax = np.random.noncentral_f(dfnum, dfden, nonc, dimension=None)

dfnum is diploma of freedom for numerator, dfden is diploma of freedom for denominator, nonc = Non-centrality (should be a floating quantity) , dimension = output dimension

np.random.noncentral_f(dfnum=3, dfden=5, nonc=1.25, dimension=15)

array([2.82181973, 0.2621002 , 4.61560275, 0.92404405, 0.5873313 ,
       1.33722611, 4.23087649, 1.55502861, 0.13974765, 0.61263875,
       0.02363684, 5.08036131, 1.69583817, 1.16514151, 7.26156769])

Random Quantity from regular distribution

Syntax = np.random.regular(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, dimension=None)

loc = imply of distribution, scale = normal deviation, dimension = output dimension


array([1.22878811, 1.76942276, 2.82803968, 4.24962168, 3.51949639,
       1.34530222, 3.19609968, 1.81777226, 1.60022974, 0.73742226,
       2.47042775, 3.72900064, 1.85292514, 2.06721983, 2.90782025,
       5.04814424, 3.59360224, 0.64323389, 1.96419374, 1.09703602])

Random Quantity from Pareto II or Lomax Distribution

Syntax = np.random.pareto(a,dimension)

a is form of distribution, dimension is output dimension


array([0.20190563, 0.59110505, 0.75834325, 1.64327581, 0.18154189,
       0.27552696, 0.15482498, 1.62308317, 0.40219138, 1.32101952,
       0.66438345, 0.49743756, 0.17669289, 0.54696228, 0.03728383,
       0.47179657, 0.12612053, 1.1286781 , 0.21520764, 0.70700926,
       0.28114239, 0.15643503, 0.04762157, 0.93122826, 0.15392584,
       0.80165583, 1.26344098, 0.50648548, 0.4513544 , 0.21481885,
       0.23661846, 0.46451604, 0.07339994, 0.76501248, 1.31005359,
       0.45282259, 0.36370636, 0.08363621, 0.32064526, 0.14687389,
       0.08148094, 0.12367398, 0.39541968, 2.1171226 , 6.21913449,
       0.72456524, 0.41744179, 0.17453438, 0.53098405, 0.2464528 ])

Random Quantity from Permutation

Syntax = np.random.permutation(a)

a is the multi-dimensional array which is returned


array([ 4, 13,  7,  5,  2,  3, 10, 14, 12,  6,  1,  9,  0,  8, 11])

Random Quantity from Poisson Distribution

Syntax = np.random.poisson(lambda,dimension)

lambda is expectation of interval, a sequence of expectation intervals which should be broadcast-able over the requested dimension. Measurement is output dimension.


array([0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0])

Random Quantity with Energy operate Distribution

Syntax = np.random.energy(a, dimension=None)

Attracts samples in [0,1] from an influence distribution with constructive exponent a-1

a is parameter of distribution.


array([0.64610162, 0.90615695, 0.80111382, 0.83723759, 0.95385319,
       0.65986407, 0.52173754, 0.44076093, 0.70683377, 0.25296038])

Random values in a given form

Syntax = np.random.rand(form)

form is what output you’re looking. It’s a very helpful operate the place you simply need generate random numbers in any form between 0 and 1.

Instance 1
array([0.31979732, 0.1021601 , 0.68860515, 0.95345352, 0.76700075])

Instance 2
array([[0.89496089, 0.19831118, 0.82093535, 0.38698579, 0.45182078],
       [0.3173055 , 0.47643795, 0.02411467, 0.41312906, 0.45766815],
       [0.19939672, 0.61164512, 0.97380032, 0.34729909, 0.57582168],
       [0.43693548, 0.99888766, 0.08155983, 0.2058013 , 0.25305034],
       [0.48938304, 0.57166518, 0.19046207, 0.33510041, 0.8302206 ]])

Random integers in a any form

Syntax = np.random.randint(low,excessive,dimension,dtype)

low = decrease worth of the array, excessive = increased worth of the array, dimension = dimension of array, dtype is non-obligatory which represents information kind, default is integer.

Instance 1
array([65, 82, 64, 87, 94])

Instance 2

array([[37, 67, 16, 71, 86],
       [76, 93, 47,  7,  5],
       [51, 94, 15, 80, 95],
       [16, 60, 58, 39, 34],
       [16,  7, 49,  3, 81],
       [32, 56, 46,  1, 92],
       [21, 46, 38, 10, 67],
       [60,  5, 11,  0,  4],
       [50, 48,  4, 47, 85],
       [48,  2, 55, 88, 16]])

Random numbers with normal regular distribution

Syntax = np.random.randn(dimension)

Instance 1


Instance 2

array([ 0.03536071, -0.73462545,  0.72335424,  1.06593006, -0.05144373,
        0.62629189,  0.63594877,  0.21805066,  0.32423357,  0.99847683])

Instance 3

array([[ 0.41454857, -0.46739665,  0.09379884],
       [-0.11549637, -0.45300003,  1.25859377],
       [ 1.17715926,  1.11386284,  0.016956  ]])

Random numbers with random operate in numpy


array([0.4903158 , 0.58125484, 0.17943641, 0.68877055, 0.67935105,
       0.15904048, 0.99928076, 0.97126629, 0.5118656 , 0.98872158])

Random numbers with random integer

Syntax = np.random.random_integers(low,excessive,dimension)


array([249, 145, 279, 297, 275])

Random numbers with random pattern operate

Syntax = np.random.random_sample(dimension)

Returns random floats in half-open interval between [0.0,1.0] from steady uniform distribution over acknowledged interval.


array([0.7316707 , 0.47935491, 0.32710002])

Random numbers with random_sample utilizing ranf operate

Much like operate above.



Random numbers with Rayleigh distribution

Syntax = np.random.rayleigh(scale,dimension)

Scale is the same as mode, and dimension is output.


array([3.67644931, 9.94228797, 5.11367837, 6.89794945, 4.58289571,
       5.16278338, 9.91446273, 6.67583764, 4.01852172, 5.0486583 ,
       7.01808964, 6.67599884, 1.95575305, 3.30532575, 6.93801153,
       2.93501618, 2.52539008, 2.26931366, 7.5955984 , 5.77528647,
       1.98386752, 7.6333883 , 3.08630146, 3.7055877 , 1.9142021 ])
Additionally see: numpy documentation

Random Quantity with Random Pattern

Syntax = np.random.pattern(dimension)

Much like operate above np.random.random_sample(dimension).


array([[0.81662013, 0.42587302, 0.81124033],
       [0.21839886, 0.77857156, 0.5544037 ]])

Random Quantity with Normal Exponential Distribution

Syntax = np.random.standard_exponential(dimension)


array([1.69517629, 0.47092373, 1.44504697, 1.62253902, 2.45741137,
       3.5907787 , 1.43963212, 2.73247868, 0.42686694, 0.78592606,
       2.06899199, 1.84675837, 0.18881986, 0.14831924, 0.16521402,
       0.30789576, 0.24062331, 3.86271815, 0.04647824, 2.17968715,
       1.58989665, 1.32899491, 0.2824693 , 0.34574499, 0.49977064])

Random Quantity with Normal Gamma Distribution

Syntax = np.random.standard_gamma(form,dimension)


array([1.47489475, 0.98783585, 3.06439039, 2.70299078, 1.00125724,
       3.41321207, 1.45316889, 1.37849927, 2.17417734, 1.02550514,
       3.14293683, 0.75427569, 1.39733355, 3.02742645, 2.52080741,
       1.58087858, 0.9321168 , 0.35499143, 1.56586845, 2.66629806,
       0.26594377, 2.64386605, 2.47724875, 0.74633522, 1.4379539 ])

Random Quantity with Normal Regular Distribution

Syntax = np.random.standard_normal(dimension)


array([-0.50411918, -0.19242669, -1.04301891, -2.86600993, -0.17821729,
       -1.78844535,  0.01149429, -0.6465523 ,  1.15275553, -0.6628385 ,
        1.06259585,  0.47259713, -0.2362869 ,  0.92190467, -0.07809203,
       -0.87478794,  0.59850114,  1.240925  ,  1.43693503,  1.77895149,
       -0.17604199, -0.5622008 , -0.46776274, -0.70779913,  0.64111016])

Random Quantity with Scholar’s t distribution

Syntax = np.random.standard_t(df,dimension)

df = diploma of freedom, dimension = output dimension


array([-0.03761931, -0.53542011, -0.82226061,  2.77274927,  1.36305114,
        0.84279241, -0.96051502, -0.931811  , -1.97582607,  0.90238034,
       -2.6591602 , -0.18514808,  1.38443011, -2.47352668, -0.72479415,
       -0.46394313,  0.36501484,  0.02600794,  0.43280882,  3.11579655])

Random Quantity with triangular distribution

Syntax = np.random.triangular(left, mode, proper, dimension)

left = Decrease restrict, mode = worth the place the height of the distribution happens, proper = higher restrict proper, dimension = output dimension


array([72.68841636,  6.65466674, 37.06365392, 11.63499808, 57.02612156,
       17.0242832 , 13.73246187, 30.32347587, 16.87209818, 48.98226813,
       78.53673426, 21.8907941 , 39.07014104, 63.39904707,  7.24041671])

Random Quantity with Uniform distribution

Syntax = np.random.uniform(low,excessive,dimension)

low = Decrease boundary of the output interval, excessive = higher boundary of the output interval, dimension = output dimension


array([-0.64268341, -0.74053593, -0.86083515, -0.97827256, -0.51694037,
       -0.59724899, -0.22997751, -0.62904188, -0.55550559, -0.04669756,
       -0.82999905, -0.81940136, -0.39446351, -0.0900903 , -0.79935745,
       -0.45949614, -0.08793975, -0.02514434, -0.04882844, -0.21993363,
       -0.67682675, -0.39012145, -0.12231128, -0.80351525, -0.79027821,
       -0.68504266, -0.7727574 , -0.92828025, -0.76424453, -0.58502038,
       -0.31298751, -0.84655515, -0.98427394, -0.52427507, -0.64146536,
       -0.67315909, -0.70913881, -0.07703927, -0.29066913, -0.93916588,
       -0.71678679, -0.02948388, -0.33285311, -0.65812366, -0.17100715,
       -0.57682746, -0.55373444, -0.9078292 , -0.80681998, -0.98358159])

Random Quantity with von Mises distribution

Syntax = np.random.vonmises(mu,kappa,dimension)

mu = specified mode, dispersion = kappa, dimension = output dimension


array([ 0.50617877, -0.55452707,  0.27166358,  0.71364853,  0.27206078,
       -0.15113751,  0.60714844, -0.0130119 ,  0.60827732, -0.22046848,
       -0.67843826,  0.64373078,  0.15314237,  0.84476529,  0.98953813,
       -0.39908337,  0.018111  ,  0.3438166 , -0.63038277,  0.27033356,
       -0.55090202, -1.55379684, -0.04810806, -0.55263185, -0.09612684,
       -0.11469079, -0.15333622,  0.16536455,  0.11557599,  0.41025531,
       -0.11924513, -0.5580775 ,  0.21323462, -0.3326264 , -0.20208534,
       -0.98845445,  0.82418154,  0.4292819 , -0.85179192, -0.2586714 ,
       -0.19871269, -0.26012258,  0.53805736, -0.35569167,  0.51900356,
       -0.37224398,  0.44752048, -0.28595452,  0.77041203, -0.90461881])

Random Quantity with Inverse Gaussian distribution

Syntax = np.random.wald(imply,scale,dimension)

imply = Distribution imply, scale = scale parameter, dimension = output dimension


array([ 1.97549667, 11.26064826,  8.70373063,  1.49919266,  2.84646702,
        1.40979166,  1.56678586,  0.94830844,  3.97835217,  1.65001748,
        2.49561189, 15.09240892,  3.71636539,  0.27824736,  0.95091593,
        2.65145655,  2.31379872,  4.94456475,  0.4775645 ,  7.27376631,
        5.14880819,  0.38928344,  3.9154816 ,  1.09056632,  2.93012853,
        1.67842202,  1.48898819,  2.3333528 ,  3.51157375,  3.4186573 ,
        3.29084717,  3.99499236,  2.56147852,  1.70156073,  0.69196234,
        3.04916012,  0.70794518,  4.65647486,  2.85268278,  0.69920353,
        1.52131512,  0.36320725,  3.54216966,  1.04346084,  0.78706312,
        2.62193571,  1.38874333,  2.50067812,  3.87996779,  1.31290062])

Random Quantity with Weibull distribution

Syntax = np.random.weibull(a, dimension)

a = form parameter of distribution, dimension = output dimension


array([0.95978632, 0.57013906, 1.05159918, 1.15938788, 1.05659862,
       0.8749593 , 0.74393834, 0.85097397, 0.73128897, 0.98803254,
       0.63087803, 0.75932433, 1.07971653, 0.48543824, 0.86043331,
       0.99059255, 0.78462769, 0.8260131 , 0.96776262, 1.03777549,
       0.55656863, 0.58452842, 0.67127651, 0.89608467, 1.01369933])

Random Quantity with Zipf distribution

Syntax = np.random.zipf(a, dimension)

a = Distribution parameter, dimension = output dimension


array([1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1,
       1, 1, 1])

Extra random quantity generator in python coming quickly…
